Final Tips for the Epicrides Whiskey Offroad

Whether you like your Whiskey neat or on the rocks, these tips will ensure you have a good Whiskey finish. 

Assuming you have been training consistently and gradually building up your aerobic capacity and stamina, there are a few factors within your control that will allow you to have your best performance at the Whiskey 50 Offroad.

Whiskey TIPS

As sommelier’s in the art of endurance, Tenac’s coaches have the experience and science distilled down to these are 5 tips on putting together your best performance.  Pay attention as these tips are very much interconnected.  You can eat and drink correctly but if your pacing is off, you may find yourself sitting under a shade tree catching your breath.  And even if performance is not your goal at the Whiskey 50 Offroad, being aware of these 5 tips will enable you to have a great time riding the 50 miles and have plenty of energy to engage in the after race parties.